HIPAA Risk Analysis

Title 45 in the code of federal regulations is better known as the HIPAA regulation. Within that regulation you’ll find in section 164.308 the requirement to conduct a thorough and accurate risk analysis. It can be helpful to understand terminology and while we use risk assessment as a general term for an organization to complete, specifically in the HIPAA law it calls it a risk analysis. It’s really a very similar thing. It’s just a terminology difference. It says you must conduct a thorough and accurate assessment of risk to protected health care information. So, this is a legal requirement if you are someone who has electronic protected health care information. So, taking an inventory and understanding whether or not you are responsible to comply with this HIPAA requirement would be of paramount importance to your organization because being proactive and conducting this risk analysis to comply with the HIPPA security rule would be something that you would want to make sure and make a priority.  

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